Pakistan is ubicated in East Asia. It borders are India, China, Iran.
What does the geography say about the country?
the climate is very rare sometimes you have very heat days or you have very cold days is very rocky and has a lot of peaks.
What is the dominant religion? Which other exist?
The religion is Islam while there is also Hindu, Christian, Parsi, Buddhist, and a lot more others.
What are the different ethnic groups?
Sindhi,Punjabi , Baloch,Pashtun Muhajir
Which ones are the main customs and traditions?
i think they respect a lot theyre religions they are like sacred but they have and respect a lot family and grandparents because they know a lot of knowledge they respect them a lot.
How is this his life different from yours?i think not much beacuse they do a lot of things as i do but the religion is the one that exceeds.
Which custom caught your attention?
they are very used to shoot guns in the street
How does his religion affect his way of acting? they need to follow the koran and can and cant do a lot of things.
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